Android Networking Tutorial with Retrofit, PHP and MySQL

Networking is part of almost all applications. Applications don’t work in isolation they communicate with a backend server with the help of Web Services often called RESTful APIs to perform various operations (e.g saving or …

Android Networking Tutorial

Networking is part of almost all applications. Applications don’t work in isolation they communicate with a backend server with the help of Web Services often called RESTful APIs to perform various operations (e.g saving or retrieving data). Hence, networking is crucial thing in app development. In this Android Networking Tutorial we will learn everything that is needed for you to get started.

The android development can be categorize in two parts.

  1. Building Web Services (RESTful APIs)
  2. Building Android App

This Android Networking Tutorial will cover both parts. So you will learn in detail that how to build web services and how to consume those services in your android application.

For building web services here in this tutorial we will be using PHP and MySQL. And in android side for making network calls we will use the Retrofit Library which is the most popular library among android developers.

Pre Requisites

Even if you have very little idea about android development you can start this course. But still if you have the knowledge of the following things then it will help you.

  • Basics of PHP
  • Understanding of XAMPP or LAMP for Linux
  • Basics of Android Studio

Android Networking Tutorial with Retrofit, PHP and MySQL

If you are ready to follow this course, then start from here. And make sure you watch the complete course from start to end. Don’t skip any video every video is equally important if you want to understand everything.

Retrofit Android Tutorial – Source Code

In case you need the source code of the RESTful APIs or the Android Project, you can get it from the following link. (Links are locked and you need to SHARE or SUBSCRIBE to unlock it).

git hub repository
Get the Source Code

git hub repository
Get the Source Code

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Hi, my name is Belal Khan and I am a Google Developers Expert (GDE) for Android. The passion of teaching made me create this blog. If you are an Android Developer, or you are learning about Android Development, then I can help you a lot with Simplified Coding.

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